Andrea Lekic is born on 06.09.1987.
Velikodusna, socijalna i razumna je osoba rodjena na broju 6. Srecna je kada moze usreciti druge,a posebno porodicu. Prati srednji put i harmoniju. Iskrena, pouzdana i spremna da pomogne drugima. Mastovite i umetnicki nadarene osobe.
Za taj specijalan dan, pridruzujem se onima koji ti zele zadovoljstvo, dobro zdravlje i neka ti je Bog vodic ka putu za najbolje. Nastavi da radis ono sto volis i imaces sve sto zelis. Zelim ti ispunjenost, srecu i lepo provedeno vreme sa najblizima. Uzivaj u svemu dobrom sto ti se nadje na putu. Srecan rodjendan!
MEANING Birthdays
Understanding, sociable and generous, those born on Number 6
are happy when they put shoulder to the happiness of others, especially family. They follow the middle path, harmony. I am honest, reliable and jumping to help others. I know you care, you treat them, to assuage, and encourage. Have medical or therapeutic virtues. They feel the aesthetic, imaginative and artistic. Welfare and tranquility of their home still remain major goals.
Intelegatori, sociabili si generosi, cei nascuti pe 6 sunt fericiti cand pun umarul la fericirea altora, in special a familiei. Vor urmari calea de mijloc, armonia. Sunt corecti, de incredere si sar in ajutorul semenilor. Stiu sa-i ingrijeasca, sa-i trateze, sa-i aline, si incurajeze. Au virtuti medicale sau terapeutice. Au simt estetic, imaginativ si artistic. Bunastarea si linistea caminului raman insa telurile lor majore.
Pt ca azi e o zi speciala pt TINE,ma alatur si eu celor ce iti doresc din adancul sufletului sa ai parte numai de IMPLINIRI,SATISFACTI,multa multa SANATATE si DUMNEZEU sa te CALAUZEASCA totul cum este mai bine pt trebuie decat sa faci ceea-ti atunci vei avea tot ce-ti doresti...fericire, implinire, clipe minunate alaturi de cei dragi, liniste, tristete cu lacrimi de bucurie (sunt bune si astea in anumite momente ale vietii, numai sa iti dai seama ca sunt cele adevarate), seninatate si sa te bucuri de tot ce-ti iese in cale.Fie ca anii ce se scurg sa treaca precum RAZELE SOARELUI mangaie o floare ce sta sa INFLOREASCA
O zi cat mai placuta sa ai........
For that special day today is for you, and I join those who wish you the very soul of the party only to the fulfillment, satisfaction, much good health and God to guide you as it is better for you .. you just need to do what you love ... and then you have all you want ... happiness, fulfillment, wonderful moments with your loved ones, peace, sadness with tears of joy (and these are good at certain times of life, only you realize that you are true), serenity and enjoy everything that comes your cale.Fie as the years pass and drain the Sun's rays caress a flower that stands to flourish .
A pleasant day to you ........
Mivel ez egy különleges nap számodra, én is csatlakozom azokhoz akik szivükből kivánnak Neked egészséget és minden jót. Isten gondoskodjon Rólad, ahogy az Neked a legjobb...csak azt tedd amihez kedved van és akkor meglesz mindened....boldogság, szép pillanatok a szeretteiddel, és örömkönnyek ( néha bizony ezekre is szükség van). Minnél szebb életet kivánok Neked. Szép napot.
♥♥♥ 77/7 ♥♥♥
╚══`.¸ Handball & Andrea Lekic!
♥♥♥ 77/7 ♥♥♥
╚══`.¸ Handball & Andrea Lekic!
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