10 iun. 2011

Lekic: The best decision of my life is contract Gyor.

                                         foto by Panda Anda
Lekic: Cea mai buna decizie din viata mea este contractul cu Gyor

Ieri clubul Gyori Audi ETO KC a anuntat sosirea jucatoarei Andrea Lekic din vara. Momentan jucatoare la Krim Ljubljana,Andrea Lekic, dupa anunt a dat un interviu ziarului Nemzeti Sport.

-Au fost grele negocierile cu cei din Gyor?

-Nu as spune. Prima data m-au cautat anul trecut in noiembrie, atunci mi-am rugat managerul, Farkas Mátyás, sa trateze in numele meu si sa-mi reprezinte interesele- a declarat Andrea Lekic, al carei sosire in Gyor a fost anuntata oficial.

-Ati fost reprezentata bine?

-Foarte bine! De aceea acum pot spune ca, asta este cea mai buna decizie din viata mea.

-Cum sa formulam? Pe doi ani sau deocamdata pe doi ani?

-Am doar 24 de ani, pentru mine acum cel mai important este sa imi construiesc cariera, dar daca toti vom fii satisfacuti, poate fii si mai mult. In Ljubljana am jucat patru ani, nu sunt pasare calatoare.

-Ce va atras cel mai mult in Gyor?

-Motive profesionale si totodata financiare. Cariera mea se poate implini in acest club excelent, in care joaca doar jucatoare de clasa internationala. Le cunosc ca adversare, deci nu imi sunt total necunoscute. Iar pentru a putea lucra linistita si bine, sponsorii asigura un context sigur si linistit, ceea ce in handbalul din ziua de azi este rar. Am vorbit cu fosta jucatoare din gyor, Ana Djokic, si la fel ca toti si ea mi-a sugerat sa semnez linistita.

Sursa: www.nemzetisport.hu

Multumesc frumos pentru traducere Kinga Halmágyi :*:*:*

Translate Română în Engleză
Lekic: The best decision of my life is contract Gyor

Yesterday the club announced Gyor Audi ETO KC player Andrea Lekic arrival of summer. Played at the Krim Ljubljana, Andrea Lekic, gave an interview after the announcement newspaper Nemzeti Sport.

Were heavy negotiations with those in Gyor?

I would not say. The first time I looked last November, when I asked the manager, Mátyás Farkas, treat my behalf and to represent my interests, said Andrea Lekic, whose arrival was officially announced in Gyor.

You were well-represented?

Very good! So now I can say that this is the best decision of my life.

How to formulate? In two years or two years now?

Am only 24 years for me now the most important is to build my career, but if everyone will be satisfied, it can be more. In Ljubljana I played four years, not migratory birds.

What attracted you most in Gyor?

Financial reasons and also professional. My career can accomplish this great club, who play only in an international class player. We know the enemy, so I do not totally unknown. And to be quiet and work well, the sponsors provide a safe and peaceful context, in what handball is rare today. I spoke with former player of Gyor, Ana Djokic, and like everyone and she told me to sign quiet.

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